Our consignments are shipped to customers via sea vessels normally. As a standard method of shipments we prefer pro-to-port shipping utilizing the services of expert third-party shipping agencies in our locality.
Pricing of our products is based on said shipping method. The Inco-term used to describe said shipping method is called "Freight on Board". We specify it as "FOB Mumbai" in our documentation, where the trucking, shipping and loading charges are paid by us from our factory to the port to loading while the sea-freight and import charges are subject to be paid by customer.
Shipping including Sea-Freight (CFR/CNF): On demand of a customer we handle the shipments where the sea-freight is also to be settled and paid by us. This is also a port-to-port shipping method. The inco-term used to describe this shipping method is called CNF or CFR, where the tucking, shipping, loading (from our factory to the port of loading) and ocean-freight is to be paid by us while the import charges are subject to be paid by the customer.
For CFR/CNF shipping method, the customer must provide us the name of his/her nearest sea-port for calculation/settlement of ocean-freight before finalizing an order. Total shipping cost has to be paid by the customer in advance in addition to the payment mode selected.
Shipping including Sea-Freight and Insurance (CIF): CIF shipping method can also be applicable on the demand of a customer. CIF stands for "Cost, Insurance and Freight"; this is also a port-to-port shipping method. As per the said shipping method trucking, shipping, loading charges, ocean-freight and amount for in -transit insurance to be paid by the us while the import charges are subject to be paid by the customer.
For CIF shipping method, the customer must provide us the name of his/her nearest sea-port for calculations/settlement of ocean freight before finalizing an order. Total shipping cost and insurance charges will subject to be paid in advance by the customer in addition to the payment method selected.
By-Air shipments: Consignments can also be sent to the customer by-air carriers when demanded by the customer but only if promised before order confirmation. For said shipping-method the customer must provide us the name of his/her nearest airport before the confirmation of order. Total airfare will subject to be paid by the customer in advance in addition to the payment mode selected.
* To minimize the risk of in-transit damages / losses, we recommend the customers to insurance merchandise in-transit.
**For further details on shipping method(s) and to understand the risk of in-transit damages kindly refer to "International Chamber of Commerce" (ICC) website.